Martin Butler (b.1960) Funerailles (2005)
Reviews amd Programme Notes
"a rather more serious affair possessing remarkable expressive strength for all its apparent restraint. This is the other gem in this generous release [Butler CD].’ Music Web International September 2007
Funérailles was written during the summer of 2005. Despite its title, the piece is not intended to be a morbid or even particularly sombre reflection on death or mortality; rather, it takes as a starting point the ritual and sequential shape associated with funerals or other formal ceremonies. It also makes significant use of bell-like tolling gestures as a way of creating a rather formal, cyclic structure. It can probably best be thought of as an extended study in piano sonorities, at times deep, dark and resonant, at others vivid and bright.© Martin Butler January 2006
Premiered by William Howard at the 2006 Norfolk and Norwich Festival